Greetings and Peace,

Welcome to St. Alban's Episcopal Church.
Our church is named for the first Christian in Britain whose name is remembered.
Tradition has it that he was also the first British Christian to be martyred (around 304 or earlier).
An ancient church historian reports that, when on trial for his life, Alban declared:
“If you wish to know the truth about my religion, know that I am a Christian and am ready to do a Christian’s duty.”
When pressed for more information, he added: “My parents named me Alban; and I worship and adore the living and true God,
who created all things.”
Gathering under the banner of St. Alban, we seek to embody in our own lives his devotion to “the living and true God.”
Together, and joyfully, we too seek to claim our Christian identity. Together, and prayerfully, we also seek
to discern and do that to which God calls us in our lives and ministries. And we do so in Jesus’ name.
If your path leads you to St. Alban’s Church, you will be most welcome. If your path takes you elsewhere,
may you find all joy and peace in believing. And whether here or there, may your life abound in praise of
and service to the God of all creation.
With prayerful best wishes,
The Rev. Dr. Claude Stewart
Interim Rector
St. Alban's Staff
The Rev. Claude Y. Stewart Jr.
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Interim Rector |
The Rev. Ed Scott
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Deacon |
Louise Randall |
Parish Administrative Assistant |
Jim Francis |
Choir Master/Organist |